Thursday, July 14, 2011


This is about a dream and a need of mine. A dream of isolated, beautiful, pure, raw, mountain blissful living. A need for sustainable and responsible living. My boyfriend shares in these dreams and we all share in these needs, and here I will document our quest to fulfill both. This is the beginning of the blog, because this is the beginning... the true tangible beginning of our quest. The truth is this thing started years ago with our unrest with "city living," our insides nagging at us for something more pure and raw. Slowly it evolved into late-night conversations, wide eyed and hearts pounding at what we had found within ourselves and each-other. We began exploring, and this is what this blog is about.

The men in the pictures are Nick.. the BF (in plaid)  and his brother Zachary.

This is the land we just bought. It is just north of Idaho Springs, and is technically a Gold (ore) Mine.
It is just under 3 acres, and has road access but not much else. No telephone, no electricity, no running water and this goes without saying, but no internet. We will make this our home.